New York’s Polo Grounds are torn down, and the Barons purchase the seats. Multiple generations of Rickwood fans never paid attention to the famed NY logo on the seats.

After refusing to field a team for two years, the Barons returned to Rickwood in 1964 with its first integrated ball club. The press box on top of the roof was expanded to two to accommodate both print and radio media.

Birmingham native Charley O. Finley moved the Kansas City A’s Double A team to Birmingham’ Rickwood Field.

Team and park owner Albert Belcher puts the park up for auction; only the City of Birmingham makes a bid. The City still owns the park today.

The City painted Rickwood in colors that only a fan of orange baseballs could appreciate.

New arrival Reggie Jackson’s thunderous blasts over the right field grandstands became legend

Catcher Dave Duncan, manager John McNamara and Reggie Jackson, with Rickwood’s rooftop pressboxes in the background.

Jackson along with fellow future Hall of Famer Rollie Fingers and teammates Joe Rudi, Dave Duncan and Tony LaRussa led Charley O. Finley’s Birmingham A’s to the league championship and portended the coming World Series Championships for the Oakland A’s.

Alabama football coach Paul “Bear” Bryant was a close friend of Charley O. Finley’s, and a frequent visitor to Rickwood. Bryant’s son Paul, Jr. was General Manager of the Barons

A sell-out crowd packed Rickwood Field to watch the Southern League All Stars take on the Atlanta Braves and soon to be home run king, Hammerin’ Hank Aaron.